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About Us

Val McCormick

Val McCormick

Val McCormick Corvenieo is the driving force behind Corvenieos Entertainment bringing a wealth of experience to the company. Before creating Corvenieos, Val had an extensive career in the field and was a successful performer. 

After deciding to focus more on providing entertainment for the corporate and private sector, Val launched Corvenieos Entertainment. Val uses her attributes to the very best from, Managing, Designing, Creating, and Producing at all levels. Val draws on all her experience to bring the very best acts, events and services to the client. Striving to bring new and innovative ideas to the company, Corvenieos has expanded and is recognized as one of the leading entertainment companies in Ireland

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Val McCormick Corvenieo
Val McCormick


Years of Rich History




Customers Satisfaction


Run Business

Our Team

Meet Our Team

Corvenieos Entertainment is proud to be a Family run business…

Cory McCormick Moran

Performer / Logistics

Dylan McCormick Moran

Dylan McCormick Moran

Marketing / Web Design

William Moran

William Moran

Audio Engineer